Scientific Program

For this 19th edition of EMPG, the following SESSIONS and keynote speakers are proposed:


  • INAUGURAL TALK:  Carmen Sanchez (Inst. f. Mineralogie, Munster): Fluid-mediated mass transfers in subduction zones unraveled by in situ experiments.
  • APPLIED & ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY:  Marie Violay (EPFL, Lauzanne): Advancing Experimental Approaches to Characterize Rock Behavior at the Brittle-Ductile Transition: Insights for Deep Geothermal Energy and Beyond.
  • EARTH'S MANTLE AND COREAli Bouhifd (LMV, Clermont-Ferrand): Partitioning of Hydrogen during core formation on the Earth and Mars.

  • FLUIDS & ORE PROCESSES: Zoltan Zajacz (Univ. Genève): Halogens and metals in fluids in transcrustal magmatic systems: implications for porphyry ore genesis.
  • MAGMA, MELTS & VOLCANOES: Juan Andujar (ISTO, Orléans): Experimental overview of magma storage & differentiation beneath alkaline volcanoes.
  • METHODOLOGICAL (analytical and technical) DEVELOPMENTS: Guillaume Morard (ISTERRE, Grenoble): Study of high pressure properties of geomaterials using time-resolved diagnostics.

  • MINERAL PHYSICSNathalie Bolfan Casanova (LMV, Clermont-Ferrand): Hydrogen isotopic fractionations at high-pressure.
  • ROCK DEFORMATION AND MECHANICS: Patrick Cordier (UMET, Lille): The role of amorphization on minerals and rocks deformation.
  • SOLAR SYSTEM & EXOPLANETS: Paolo Sossi (ETH, Zurich): Experimental constraints on the constitution of rocky (exo)planets and their atmospheres.
  • CLOSURE TALK : Michel Pichavant (ISTO, Orléans): Some experimental observations of an unexpected behavior of crystals in magmas

We have also solicited speakers in order to consolidate some key sessions.
Rock deformation:
  • Matej Pec (MIT, Boston): Quantifying the complete energy budget of “lab-quakes” during high-pressure laboratory failure

  • Yuval Boneh (DEES, Beer-Sheva): Mechanical Properties and Deformation Mechanisms of Hornblende through Nanoindentation and Triaxial Experiments

  • Julien Gasc (ENS, Paris): Investigating Deep Earthquakes and Tremors Through the Scaling Laws of Acoustic Emissions Collected During High Pressure Experiments

Mineral Physics:
  • Matteo Alvaro (Exp. Min. lab., Pavia)

Magma, Melts and Volcanoes:
  • Elizabeth Cottrell (Smithsonian Institution, Washington)

  • Huaiwei Ni (University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei)
  • Danilo Di Genova Ni (CNR, Roma & BGI, Bayreuth)

Solar System & Exoplanets:
  • Aaron Wolf (SETI Insti., Sagan ctr, Mountain View)
  • Dionysis Foustouskos (Carnegie Science, Washington)

  • Geoffrey Bromiley (SSEC, Edinburgh)

  • Andreas Elsaesser (Freie Universität, Berlin)
  • Daman Grewal (ASU, Tempe)


Earth's Mantle and Core:

  • Rajdeep Dasgupta (Rice University, Houston)
  • Tomoo Katsura (BGI, Bayreuth)

  • Xiaozhi Yang (SESE, Nanjing University)

  • Qingyang Hu (HPSTAR, Beijing)


Deep biosphere:

  • Samuel Marre (ICMCB, Bordeaux)

  • Dionysis Foustouskos (Carnegie Science, Washington)


Deep Fluids & Ore processes:

  • Andri Stefasson (University of Iceland, Reykjavik)

  • Dimitri Sverensky (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore)




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