Welcome to the 19th EMPG Conference in Orléans

The International Symposium on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry brings together researchers from all fields of experimental geosciences and researchers with a focus on material science and numerical modelling. It offers a unique opportunity for research presentation and discussion on experimental work.

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to announce that the next meeting EMPG XIX, will take place in Orléans, France, 16-19th June 2025.

More information about submissions, registrations, science program and the accompanying events will appear asap.

Yours faithfully,

The organisers

Dates & Deadlines

 1 December 2024: Abstract Submission and Registration Open

 4 February 2025: Early Registration + Abstract Deadline

28 February 2025: Late Registration Deadline (Full rate)

16-19 June 2025: EMPG 2025


Conference Center, Place du 6 Juin 1944, 45000 Orléans, France

Centre de Conference

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